

Speak all things into existence.

Or as I like to do, write it down. I’ve had a pen in my hand for as long as I can remember, scribbling in one spiral notebook after another. I’m old school. I like to use all of my many pens, but my laptop holds even more of my ideas.

A new thought will find its way out of me --- one way or another. I write as if it’s an edict for on high. Our talents are God-given, and I believe I’m here to use my gift for a reason.

Professionally or personally, writing is another platform that can be a game changer. Journalists share an account of what is happening and inform, and writers can also express themselves in works of art that allow different perspectives and escapism. You can create your own world.

I do both.

Writing can be an act of defiance, especially under the threat of bans, censorship and those who get to tell stories. Here’s to the storytellers.