Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are Coming to America
Meghan and Harry are coming to America. They should make themselves at home because they need no royal title to make a difference.
Black Folks Love Money Too (Florida Evans Lied to You!)
Bless her heart but Florida Evans lied to some of you. Just because she made good times out of keeping her head above water doesn’t mean that we’re all about that life. I love money. Black Jesus said that was alright by him. Beyoncé, Jay Z, Oprah, LeBron James, Diddy, Tyler Perry, Barack and Michelle…
Meghan Markle Is the British Royal Family Scapegoat
Meghan Markle is going to bring down the British Royal Family if royal reporters, experts and the gaslight are to be believed. Let it be. As the Beatles sang, speaking words of wisdom let it be. Since the successful Oceania tour that Prince Harry and Markle, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, took last fall,…
A Year In Grief, Fritz Guerilus Was Here #RIP
There’s a lot going in the world. So many isms, tragedies, and shit going wrong. Those are a few reasons why living my best life hasn’t been a priority. Grief is another. April 24, 2019 makes it a year since my father, Fritz Guerilus, died. The official cause of death was heart failure. He loved…
#RedTableTalk The Grace of Black Women
There but for the grace of God go I and Black women; both pour into you and replenish. Jada Pinkett Smith invited Jordyn Woods onto her Red Table Talk platform to speak her truth. The 21-year-old is at the center of the latest Kardashian drama. For more than a week, Jordyn has been gossiped and…
Kamala Harris Does Not Need to Show Her Papers
To paraphrase James Brown, I’m a Black journalist and proud. It’s not easy, glamorous or particularly safe being one as the president of the United States routinely refers to the profession as the greatest enemy to the United States but I am here to be counted. As with all humans, I have my bias, POV…
Rest In Peace #JamdownRocks (Cher M.)
Cher’s tweets were some of my highlights each time I logged on to Twitter. In the past week, I noticed she hadn’t posted any #Hevon love or shade to Trump. It wasn’t like her to just disappear without giving us a heads up that she’d be taking a break. I took it for granted that…
Put Some Respect on #MeghanMarkle, Duchess of Sussex
I don’t have a Meghan Markle poster above my bed but I stan the Duchess of Sussex. More importantly, I respect the royal for holding her head up even as forces are actively engaged to shame her into lowering it. The crown is not about to slip no matter how many anonymous sources tattle to…
I Met Mariah Carey! #MariahCaution
Proceed with caution… That’s a lyric to Mariah Carey’s new song, Caution, from her new album of the same moniker. It’s also a warning to those who ever dare to meet their idols. Their feet are made of clay and the image often doesn’t measure up to the reality. Still, I went full speed ahead…
#Thanksgiving Family, Don’t they know that they’re toxic?
Thanksgiving is quickly approaching and the aroma of turkey is going to fill homes. I’m more of a ham lover but everyone can agree on macaroni and cheese. We’re also in silent co-sign of not being able to stand one another. For too many of us, our loved ones are emotional vampires drawing blood who…
The Sweet Escape of #DAYS
A pregnant woman is being drugged and gaslight into believing her multiple personalities have returned with a vengeance. All I can do is just cuss at the TV, mad that anyone would dare to stop the shenanigans of Gabi Hernandez. Abigail, Dr. Laura and Gaby (with a Y!) all deserve to be under Gabi’s high heel…
Janet Jackson’s Vindication is #MadeForNow
“Made For Now” is Janet Jackson’s latest single featuring Daddy Yankee. The infectious tune could also serve as the soundtrack to the resurgence Miss Jackson is having. Janet, first of her name, is everywhere these days getting her shine, praise and things. I’m not complaining since it wasn’t that long ago that too…
Blackout in Daytime
Where one or two gather, it’s church. Alas, in the world of daytime drama, it just means one too many Black and Brown faces. To the back burner or unemployment line you go! The Young and the Restless is planting their flag when it comes to not putting respect on their minority cast, characters and…
Jake Tapper, Leave Barack Obama Alone
Jack Tapper, Black people are allowed to have a damn good time. Since you need it explained to you, all folks are allowed the full spectrum of their humanity and at the risk of shaking the table, enjoying a Beyoncé concert as well…
#Cin and Shame
The time may have finally come for me to apply for an AARP card. 2000 babies are 18 and headed off to college. If that weren’t a neon sign that my youth is coming to an end, interrupting my soaps and #Cin viewing pleasure is another because I get as cranky as an old lady. …
Leave #MLK Out of Your Mouths
For the sake of my sanity, please leave Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. out of your mouths when it comes to the gaslighting of being civil. Just stop it. It’s bad enough that his most pious quotes are bastardized once a year by those who hated him during his time and still hold his legacy…
#WWJD Trump Immigration Policy Exposes Biblical Hypocrisy
“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…” Those are the words emblazoned on the New Colossus, the bronze plaque at the Statue of Liberty. It is an ode to immigrants seeking a better life from which they’re coming from. However, the pursuit of the American Dream is becoming a…
Thank You Mishael Morgan #YR
Mishael Morgan confirmed on Twitter that she is leaving The Young and the Restless. Yes, it’s true. I am finally able to say, I’m leaving #YR. Thank you for giving me time to find the words. All my love— Mishael Morgan (@MishaelMorgan1) June 11, 2018 Actors come and go. It’s a part…
Robert DeNiro Profanity at #TonyAwards Doesn’t Outrage Me; The Profane Do
Robert DeNiro using profanity doesn’t bother me in the least. Those who are profane do. At the Tony Awards, the screen legend made clear just what he thought of 45. CBS may have censored him but DeNiro’s words would not be silenced about what he thought of Donald Trump and his presidency. Here's video of…
Breaking The Internet One Nude at a Time
Janet Jackson’s legendary .janet album celebrated its 25th anniversary last month. An artist is lucky to have one magnum opus. Miss Jackson has three: Control, Rhythm Nation and .janet in my humble opinion. On this occasion, her fifth touched upon the raw nerve of female sexuality. It wasn’t a gesture of shock but a…