#WWJD Trump Immigration Policy Exposes Biblical Hypocrisy

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…”

Those are the words emblazoned on the New Colossus, the bronze plaque at the Statue of Liberty. It is an ode to immigrants seeking a better life from which they’re coming from. However, the pursuit of the American Dream is becoming a nightmare as the Trump administration has a zero tolerance policy of separating families at the border and according to  Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, there will not be any apologies.

The 53% right there.

There used to be a time when “compassionate conservatism” used to be the motto. Salute to former First Lady Laura Bush for keeping the embers of that message alive with her recent op-ed.

All living first ladies have come out strongly against this inhumane practice but the “base” apparently supports children being kept in cages, mattresses on the floor and kids being ripped from the arms of their mothers. According to CNN, 58% of Republican voters support the trauma being inflicted because it can be a deterrent and rules are rules. Compassion be damned and this is how comprehensive immigration reform will be done; screaming children being used as pawns if it can send a message.

Unlike some, I don’t believe this is America’s first betrayal. Black families were separated during slavery. There were the Japanese internment camps. This is just the latest hurt and playing on loop.

One of the symptoms of the news cycle is that it’s everything all at once. Everyday, there is a flashing “Breaking News” interruption. It’s routine and almost a chore to get upset but I question the heart of those who don’t even give the bare lip service. They’ve got absolutely nothing to say as this crisis unfolds.

For many years, there has been the drumbeat of Sharia Law coming to the United States. Muslims have been scapegoats; deemed to be using dangerous ideology to impose its will on the majority and innocent. However, it has been the likes of Attorney Jeff Sessions invoking the Bible to explain the enforcement of the Trump policy.  Sarah Huckabee Sanders also co-signed this.

Never mind the separation of state and church but this particular passage was also used to legitimize slavery. Those that went to church, took to their knees in prayer and damned everyone else for not being as righteous as them supported Blacks being kept in bondage, raped, lynch and killed. That same malicious thinking is now being furthered to diminish those who are seeking asylum which is not a crime but too many are comfortable sitting silent in the pews.

Homosexuality, abortion and tithing are preached from the pulpit. Yet, there is no similar fire, brimstone and eternal damnation about how the least of thee are being treated. It is indefensible to care more about the unborn and then declare that your moral obligation is done once he or she draws its first breath. You can’t wag your finger because two people choose to love and just turn your eyes away at the abuses taking place.

It’s scary that so many of us have to shock the conscience of those who don’t want to be bothered; a labor to draw the simple concession that just maybe those seeking a better life shouldn’t be held in such contempt. Since election night, “this is why Trump won” has been a taunt but the effort that is taking to make others care proves that there is a malignancy in this country. The afflicted just pretend to be righteous but won’t act on what’s right. They’ll just thump their Bibles, deciding which verse in the Old or New Testament on which to cast judgment on everyone else.

Leave it to Trump and his policy to expose the hypocrisy. God really does work in mysterious ways.


Leave #MLK Out of Your Mouths


Thank You Mishael Morgan #YR