Happy #420

If Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, 4/20 takes the honors as the most chill. Or at the very least, it’s the day set aside for celebrating cannabis. Set aside those milk and cookies for Snoop Dog.

I’m from the school of Bill Clinton. Just like 42, I didn’t inhale when I tried weed in college a lifetime ago. My friend passed me a joint and I tried it for a few seconds and felt pretty damn good. Alas, that was the end of my brief fling. If I had stayed on that path, my blood pressure wouldn’t get so easily irritated and often, Mary Jane just might be the one that got away.

Obviously, marijuana isn’t too far out of my reach if I really wanted to act on the desire. Many states have legalized its use. However, just as many others are fighting like the end of the world depends on their resistance.

Republicans have found a boogeyman not named Putin or Robert Mueller that they’re not afraid to attack: weed. In the past month, GOP officials have trashed weed for cheap votes as the midterms approach.

Rep. Dodie Horton of Louisiana  cited satire to claim that that 37 people died when medical marijuana was legalized in Colorado. It was more than just a gaffe but a deliberate lie that would’ve prevented the expansion of pot in the state. Even after being corrected, Horton blocked the reporter and constituents who questioned her stats. The bill that Horton tried to prevent was ultimately passed with revision and moved to the floor for further consideration.

Weed makes a shitload of money, just like alcohol and cigarettes which are legal. It’s not just about lazy folks wanting to get high all the time but the economics involved. It’s also a harmless plant that has benefits ranging from cancer, glaucoma to depression. Better yet, let’s be blunt. There are some herbs that need to get high as fuck.

When I’m old and looking my age, I’m gonna tell my grandkids that I lived through the Beyoncé is overrated bandwaggon (these folks need to put respect on the Queen’s name) and being one of the side of intellectuals who knew weed was alright.

Until then, lighters up.


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