This n That & the BBC
Yesterday, I woke up. That’s grace right there. But it was just another day. When you’re a freelance journalist like I am, you make your own hours. There’s no set time to be in the office. I miss that kind of structure. I really do want to be back in the newsroom to help put a face on those that look like me and make sure those stories are being told. Still, despite not having verified check next to my name or the biggest platform, I found myself on the BBC yesterday!
Live from New York, I was on the BBC World Service being asked my opinion on Stormy Daniels, Donald Trump and that entire saga. What started out at as me tweeting my thoughts into the ether turned into an opportunity that not many of my peers and friends can lay claim to.
If you’ve met me, I’m a bit of a juxtaposition. I’ve got at least a dollar’s worth and rattling change thoughts about almost everything, a bit of five feet of fury but also very reserved and shy. I hold myself back out of fear: both of failure and success. So many times, I’ve been told to step out and just use this online platform I’ve been cultivating. I’ve got over 15K followers and a sizable audience elsewhere. So, here I am. Putting both feet in waters; still, familiar and unknown. I’m going to keep my head above water and muse along the way. Hope you hang onto my words.
All I can take from yesterday is that it was more than just a Tuesday. It was an affirmation from God. He’s been showing up for me lately. But then again, I could just be more aware of the armor that I’ve had on me.
I don’t even know my own superpowers….